Jubokko Ponies -Species Info-

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:star: :star: :star: CLOSED SPECIES :star: :star: :star:
Jubokko Ponies
:star: Basic Info :star:
Binomial Name: Acer palmatum Artiodactyla
Common Name: Jubokko Pony
Lifespan: 100-300 (depending on food supply)
Diet: Blood
Habitat: Rural areas, war torn forests, river sides.
Activity: Diurnal (day)
--Jubokko Ponies are a species of ponies that derive from the battlefields of fallen ponies during times of war. The fallen ponies essence creates these creatures which take the form of a creature similar to ponies in appearance; Aside from the obvious plumage of plant life.
Their liefestyle in based on the hunting and gathering variety, having little use for technology in their ways of living.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf They are exclusively Earth Pony.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf There is more males than females.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf They have no mouth upon their face; It is hidden in the leaves about their neck.
:star: Physical Features :star:
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Jubokko Ponies are slender framed and long legged, being a bit taller than the average pony.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Their coats come in all sorts of colors/patterns.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Their manes come in an assortment of color combinations as well.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Grows plant life around neck, spine and tail.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Lacking the typical pony tail.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf No cutie mark.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Face and spinal markings.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Bone structure is different, lighter in weight, and having a tube like bone structure within the spinal column at the base of the hips.

:star: Life Cycle :star:
At time of conception, original Jubokko ponies start out as actual trees; having no actual mystic ability to be mobil. After years of being near battlefields, the essence of the very ponies that had fallen become apart of the tree and give it new life as what it is now.
In this state, it takes a few weeks for it to gain enough strength to explore the world, having to feed until its strength is full.
:heart: Egg
When born from a pair of original Jubokko Ponies, the resulting offspring resembles an encased foal, the casing being of a red or purple substance that is thick and hard to tear.
:heart: Baby
After being able to break free, the baby is wobbly at best and seeks food for nurishment which is supplied by living prey caught by the parents. At this stage, their mouths are easily seen with tuff of leaves sprouting loose.  
:heart: Foal
Having enough strength and nurishment to go about and wander, this is the stage in which they begin to find themselves. The leaves about their body have begun to come in fully now; Concealing their mouth from sight.
:heart: Adult
The Jubokko will reach its full size which is often determined by other factors such as food supply and environment. The leaves and flowers have fully emerged, and the apparent differences are now concealed. When matured to this stage, the flowers determine what region they thrive in and their rarity.
:star: Behavior :star:
Usually keep to their own race, having only one need for others; A food source.
If a bond is formed with another species, the behavior of the Jubokko becomes posessive over said companion and almost is deemed as a Master Servant basis.
Other odd companionship is rare but not impossible.

:star: Diet :star:
The Jubokko Pony's diet consists of only blood; That being said they can be classified as 'Fluid Feeding' or another word for the term is 'Hematophagy', blood sucker.
This usually consists of sucking the blood out of nearby prey via the very leaves and vines that cover their body. These 'vines' have inner tube like structures and can easily pierce and suck the blood right out of their prey.

:star: Mating/Breeding :star:
Breeding is very precise, almost violent in a way as the male tries to dominate the female counterpart in a dance for coitus. Biting, slashing and snarling is often displayed and though blood may be shed; It does not lead to death normally. Jubokko Ponies mate for life; Rarely do they seek others once they find their mate.
When involved with another species, the lack of fight from the other usually makes the experience short lived and merely for reproductive purposes and nothing more.

:star: Uncommon Traits :star:
:icondragonmadplz: PLEASE DO NOT GIVE YOUR COMMON JUBOKKO PONY THESE TRAITS :icondragonmadplz:
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Poisonous Flowers
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Spiked Tail
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Back Flowers/buds
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Berries
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Two tails
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf leaves that change with the season
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Living Stones; (a plant in which resembles stones and hails from Africa) Usually ranging from dark grays to light greens.

:star: Rare Traits :star:
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Wings (whether pegasi, bat pony, or other)
are an extremely rare trait and will hardly ever be seen. This is due to the lack of need for them. Their hunting tactics derive from surprise and capture rather than the actual hunt.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Two Tails, this would split the spinal column and such rare abnormalities are not seen often enough.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Correct Mouth placement:
This is the instance where there usual mounted mouth within their neck has been placed like a normal ponies, which would result in lack of eyes to make space for such jaw structure.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Poisonous Flowers and leaves:
This is reserved for the original Jubokko ponies in which case adapted with said posions and became accustomed to them. Newer generations have a very low chance of having them.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Angelic: due to the large amounts of sunlight in the area, some have adapted to creating a band of energy about their heads. This is very rare and is rarely seen especially with the added wing affect it becomes near impossible.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Demonic: due to some being always in the dark have adapted to such conditions and become nocturnal. They grow more violent and even eat meat. Their eyes become slits, they obtain more prominent fangs in their maws; And they tend to attack head on.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Living Gemstones (Similar to the living stones trait; However, these ones have grown accustomed to appearing like rubies, emeralds, and many other types of gems stones.) 
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Dracunculus; This is a special species of plant in which affects the way they appear. The jubokko become more reptilian like and the leaves convert to a variety of Dragon Aroids (a type of flower). This also gives them horns if the mutation occurs.

:star: Rankings :star:
Older, more experienced Jubokko ponies are ranked as the leaders of their residence, having much more intelligence and wisdom on their belt of the world.
Younger Jubokko Ponies are usually ranked about on their skill such as:
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Gatherers
Those who gather the live food supply into the trap
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Nurturers:
Those who care for the young and elderly and tend to wounds
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Hunters:
Those who drain the food from their prey and supply it to the tribe.
Bulletmint by Wooded-Wolf Younglings:
Those unfit to be in any category

<--- Egg stage
<--- Traditional sketching of the adopt base and example of a Common Jubokko Pony

Current Owners:
1. Myself
2. :iconbritishmindslave:
3. :iconbonkerchonkers:
4. :iconaxolotlshy:
5: :iconvinylbecks:
6: :iconjcjflyingpig:
7. :iconmadelynkitten:
8. :iconrave-d:
9. :iconambercatlucky2:
:star: Last Noting :star:
Jubokko Ponies are created by me and only I can create them.
This is a closed species.
© 2014 - 2024 MournVeil
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Rainseed's avatar
Love 'em <3 Gathering points now XD